SUA in Nitra was included in the QS World University Ranking. It is one of the most prestigious rankings of world universities.
For the first time, the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra was included in one of the most prestigious rankings of world universities: QS World University Ranking. In the edition for 2022, it was placed in the shared 1001st - 1200th position.
For the first time, the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra was included in one of the most prestigious rankings of world universities: QS World University Ranking. In the edition for 2022, it was placed in the shared 1001st - 1200th position.
Thousands of universities were evaluated in collaboration with Elsevier. In the accompanying QS EECA University Ranking focused on the evaluation of universities from Eastern Europe and Central Asia, SUA ranked 154th out of 400 ranked universities.
QS WUR evaluates universities according to six criteria:
- research reputation (40%),
- Scopus citation per employee ratio (20%),
- ratio of number of students to teacher (20%),
- reputation among employers (10%),
- ratio of the number of foreign students (5%),
- ratio of the number of foreign teachers (5%).
In addition to SUA, Slovakia was represented in the ranking by five other universities - Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Technical University in Košice, University of Žilina in Žilina and the most successful was PJ Šafárik University in Košice, which ranked 601st - 650th. .
The top five places were taken by universities from the USA and Great Britain: Massachusetts Institute of Technology (USA), University of Oxford (UK), Stanford University (UK), University of Cambridge (UK), Harvard University (USA).
See QS WUR 2022 for more information.